Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Landscaping & Epoxy floor

Although not exactly a part of the garage project, the land scaping is a result of the new driveway. So, I'll put some pics of the front in here, and will do the back when we get the patio set up.

We could decorate the little Christmas trees before we leave for Yuma, the turn them on in December with a remote switch :-)

We put a bench and pots in front of the guest room.  Probably won't sit on it much, but it looks nice.  Will be adding some color in the Spring.  I'll shop in Mexico :-)

We have a LOT of cement.  I love cement, you don't have to mow it!

The front is pretty much finished for now.  Lots of new pink coral rock was added, and each plant is on a auto drip watering system.

I'll be painting the gate next spring.  Not bad, but needs to be freshened up.

Will leave the door open for the next couple of days so all the moisture of today will flash off before the epoxy goes in.

First warranty job.  The motion/light sensor security light quit working correctly.   The electrical contractor brought out a new one and replaced it.  Robbie did a fine job, and is a real nice person to work with.

This picture is for Janet.  She'll know why..LOL...

We decided we really didn't want a hot tub.  Lots of maintenance, extra electricity, and we'll be gone all winter when you would use it the most anyway.  So, it's going away.

Very cool special trailer, designed just for transporting a Spa

Removing the wiring.  Had 220v for the heater, and 110v for the two pumps. Nice Spa, but Pat wasn't the least bit interested in it, and I can use one at the Health Club if I want.  So, we'll be able to fix up the Patio a little nicer now.

All empty.  They pumped the water out at a high volumn, watered the tree very good.  The 4 of us were able to slide it to the trailer, he's using a winch here to pull it all the way on.  We rolled the trailer by hand to get it out to the truck.  It's gone!

Toby Garcia, owner of Hang Time out of Lake Havasu City is here now to prepare the floor for an Epoxy finish.  They start by sweeping, grinding and blowing the dust out.

Toby brought a helper and a lot of equipment.  They are experts in installing this type of floor

After pressure washing with water and drying some, they are ready to put on the acid.  The small hose is an eductor, it picks up the acid and puts it on under pressure.

The acid has been sprayed on.  Still working to make sure everything is covered

Toby "sweeps" it in even more with this special brush.  Next step will be a Sealer/Bonder, they it will have to sit for a day or two.

Mixing the Sealer/Bonder

Toby has some nice Tats!!!  Check the size of those Guns!  I'd sure want Toby on my side!

This job is costing a little more than we anticipated, but it's VERY nice to have people that know what they are doing.  The material he uses is industrial, better than what they sell at Lowe's or Home Depot. And, these guys know how to do the job correctly.  I'm very happy we made the decision to hire Hang Time.

Rainbird irrigation expert and design landscaper.  Mike Graham is the Grandson of the business owner.  He's been to several schools and is the "new generation" of Graham Landscaping.   The original wiring from the control box wasn't done correctly, it is now.  Drip and bubblers front and back are all on timers.

Valves all rewired and tested.  You won't see any of this when it all finished.

We're moving the large rock to the back, and will make this section look better

Mr. Graham has been in business here in Kingman for many years.  Rock work, landscaping, Pools and Spas.  He came highly recommended.

The second truck load of pink coral decorative rock.  It's really not pink, but looks nice. Most homes on this street use about the same material.

18 October 2011.  They are working early.   Hope to be all finished front and back today.  The Epoxy crew should be here any minute.  They are coming up from Lake Havasu  City

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